LUKOWA Group supports emerging to mid-career artists with the aim of encouraging outstanding ideas. The initiative considers contemporary culture and fosters a forward-looking worldview, engaging both the art community and the public. Our priority is to recognize artistic quality before other factors, such as age, origin or nationality, providing space for equal opportunities.

LUKOWA’s art collection follows a particular focus, developed by the curator, in dialogue with the company’s values and interests. It intends to explore the scopes and limits of intuitive decision-making, risk-taking and even magical thinking within palpably real environments and challenging situations. This is a possible way to accentuate the nuances of running a corporation nowadays, considering matters of production, prediction, economy, ecology, care, circumstances, risk, faith and luck. The works from the collection respond, in different ways, to these themes, loosely tied by the notions of the non-standard and the unorthodox. The collection recognizes that both art and corporations have a world-building agency.