Dominique Knowles

The solemn and the dignified burial befitting my beloved for all seasons (2023)

Knowles’ work invites through the archetypal and moves beyond as an incredibly specific expression of interspecies companionship. At once a seemingly private language, its monumental character reveals that the work is generated from primordial knowledge. His paintings garner strength from the formless, fluid movement of unbounded rhythm. His poetics are epic in scale, with an intimate cadence that ebbs and flows in subrealities.

photography and text: courtesy of Layr

Dominique Knowles Biography

Dominique Knowles (b. 1996, Nassau, Bahamas) lives and works in Paris, FR. Knowles received both his MFA in Painting as a New Artist Society Award scholar in 2020 as well as his BFA in 2017 from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Exhibitions include Chapter NY (New York, NY), Andrew Kreps Gallery (New York, NY), TERN Gallery (Nassau, Bahamas), Vdrome (Milan, IT), Galerie Layr (Vienna, Austria), Taidehalli (Helsinki, Finnland), KINDL (Berlin, Germany), Sperling (Munich, Germany), Four Flags at Chicago Manuel Style (Chicago, IL), Soccer Club Club (Chicago, IL), The Green Gallery East (Milwaukee, WI), The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas (Nassau, Bahamas), Popop Studios (Nassau, Bahamas), The Bahamas International Film Festival (Nassau, Bahamas), The Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival, Medulla Gallery (Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago), 14 N 61 W (Martinique), HilgerBROTKunsthalle (Vienna, Austria), Halle 14 (Leipzig, Germany), Elmhurst Art Museum (Elmhurst, Illinois), Andrew Rafacz (Chicago, IL), The Packing Plant (Nashville, TN) and Julius Caesar (Chicago, IL).


Rodrigo Hernandez


Marie Matusz